Stonerman: Year One
The Tale Of Johnny Weedseed
First Draft Sneak Preview- Chapter 2 Fight Scene
Zaluza City.
A place known for its booming economy, beautiful bike trails, and visionary nature themed amusement park. Years of careful planning, top architectural talent, and intricate technique is etched into every detail of every building. State of the art skyscrapers that tower into a sky that cannot be seen at this moment. Because the sight above is quite monstrous.
A man made creation whose very existence is a mockery to the gods. A titan sized creature with massive plates jutting out of its back, each large enough to engulf the horizon. A dreadful snarl reveals five rows of bloodthirsty teeth, spreading wide open…
Chongzilla is here to claim superiority. A monster determined to dominate the only being on earth with the power level worthy of being its sole territorial competitor. A stoned demigod that wears a green and purple domino mask, armored like a comic book superhero. His pot leaf shaped hemp cape gusts in the wind as he flies high onto the scene. For now, he's fully powered thanks to Roger’s chronic reserve. But how long will the high of one bowl last in the heat of battle?
Thousands of citizens froth at the mouth while they flee the city. But not Stonerman... Not this time. Refusing to show any sign of fear as his bloodshot glare digs into Chongzillas' nuclear green eyes that grow more intense with every second that passes without conflict.
Lightning strikes.
Thunder cracks.
Hero and beast clash!
Chongzilla slashes! Not once, but twice. Stonerman avoids both with godlike reflexes. He follows up with a forward dive as graceful of an Olympic swimmer at torpedo speed, smashing directly into Chongzilla's midsection. The mutated lizard lets out a fearsome groan yet slows only for a moment. Quick to raise its best defense, an unadulterated offense.
Inhuman power! Thirteen foot claws designed to shred pallets of military grade bricked mids to scraps. Every slice too slow to connect with the hyper fast superhero.
Nearly crushed by seven foot reverse-serrated teeth, a split-second from being eaten alive!
Several viscous bites are swiftly evaded with fierce movements. If this fight is to continue at this pace, it will put Stonerman at a disadvantage. The energy required to fly at this speed sobers the hero quickly.
Chongzilla’s tail is as long as four city blocks and it's lashing above Chinatown. The skyscraper sized tail whip is hurtling toward Stonerman! Tearing through dozens of buildings before smashing into him with fifteen thousand metric tons of force.
The monster follows up with a cataclysmic stomp as powerful as a meteor crash. Tsunami sized shock waves ripple in every direction. Pavement cracks, earthquakes spread. Then fissures pour from a crater the same way blood spills from an open wound.
Steel and glass pour from dozens of Skyscrapers as they implode on themselves. Hundreds of homes and businesses crumble as if they were made of brittle paper. Debris rains upon Stonerman. Concrete breaks his bones, metal rips his skin.
Emergency sirens blare over resounding explosions and horrified screams. Chongzilla pummels through the thirty story Interest Free Building and lets out a victorious cry.
Stonerman takes shelter under a metal gutter and balances the charred bowl between his chest and lips, using his less injured arm to light it. The resin is harsh, it turns the hero’s stomach, scratching his throat, yet the sweet relief it brings to his injuries is well worth it. Tears puddle in Stonerman’s eyes then drips down his green and purple domino mask, trying to take his mind off his broken bones.
The relentless destruction of the ripped lizard continues into the barracks. Too crippled to move, Stonerman has no choice but to watch while he smokes resin. His injuries are far worse than the original pain that got him into this mess. Stonerman knows true agony and will do anything to make it stop. It takes every puff of resin to heal his wounds. A slower recovery process than he's used to with traditional flower. Still, after all of that, Homer, a mortal who wears the garbs of a god remains sober and queasy. His legs wobble as he brings his skinny frame to his feet.
The battlefield burns in nuclear green fire. Separated by rubble, burning cars, and an enormous crater, Stonerman stands before Chongzilla.
Stonerman's earpiece vibrates. An incoming transmission from Roger…
"Homer. Back down. Your THC levels are too low."
Powerless, Homer steps forward and clenches his fist.
“A hero does not back down to evil. No matter the cost… This is not only a promise to myself but the world. I'll push myself to the absolute limit to protect against the darkness! This is my dream.”
Smoke oozes from Chongzilla’s nose. Its spiked back plates glow radioactive green as they charge. It's preparing to unleash its Macro-Molecular Marijuana Breath!
Chongzilla attack or not, life on the farm moves all the same. The crops sing their silent song, the cattle's bellies are full, and the tools sleep peacefully in the shed. Not much left to do now but spend the remaining time with the family. But how will Johnny tell them? They won't understand. They could never understand. The Weedseed family has lived on this farm for generations. What possibility is there to warmin’ up to the idea of Johnny venturing out on his own?
Before heading in, Johnny checks on the stables again. The steeds are sleepy like the other animals and tools. Who's gonna look after the livestock if he were to leave? Who would help with the harvest? Pop-Pop is too old, Jiffy-Pop too small, and Pop hasn't been the same since the incident. Maybe this is where Johnny is meant to be. Of course, he's still gotta prove to Pop-Pop that the soil behind the barn isn't cursed at all.
With the stables secure, there’s time for one last loving peek behind the barn. Not much sunlight today and yet the soil is lookin’ spanking fine. Those sproutlings will be introducing themselves in no time. Suddenly, the packed dirt splits. The soil trembles. Devastation can be heard off in the distance. Emergency sirens blare from all directions. Zaluza City is under attack. Johnny's secret plant! There's no time to lose. Johnny sprints to the shed, grabs his bicycle and pedals towards peril.
Ruin below, nuclear hellfire above.
A weakened Stonerman can hardly endure the radioactive heat emitting from the tower of flames that surrounds the city. The six foot hero stands no more than a pitiful pissant party from the one hundred foot Chongzilla.
Roger pleads from Stonerman's earpiece, "Dying a senseless death does not make you a hero!"
"I will not back down. Chongzilla’s massacre won't end until it defeats me.”
Neon energy glows and spreads across Chongzilla's scaly skin. Atomic power builds between its jaws, hyper flares discharge from its mouth before-
A missile blasts Chongzilla’s chest to disrupt the molecular attack. The monster is under heavy fire. Apache helicopters, military drones, snipers, tanks, all unloading rounds of armor-piercing bullets and heavy explosives in a coordinated attack.
For the first time ever, the military has come to the aid of Stonerman. The brave men and women are about to gravely regret this decision. For they are about to bear witness to a wrath that is beyond human comprehension. If there is any silver lining in what is about to happen, it's that Stonerman will use this opportunity to retreat and recover.
Rage fuels Chongzilla as it transcends to an astral form, it projects straight out of body. In this state, Chongzilla’s body will still sustain damage but his soul will not experience the pain. The monstrous husk that is left behind during this period is essentially useless, but there are advantages to this form. Chongzilla's astral body has abilities that will shock and disturb.
The metaphysical Chongzilla strikes. First, the planes firing from above.
All of the pilots feel their innards heat from the inside. Hotter and hotter, up to five hundred degrees fahrenheit. Their intestines and bowels boil over, their minds curdle, just before their skulls and spines shoot out of their bodies like rockem' sockem' robots.
Astral Chongzilla unleashes its deadliest long distance attack. Fifty meters south, spiritual energy surrounds dozens of snipers. Holy waves pull their soul essence from their bodies, a sensation of a million pins and needles jabbing at their skin.
“I’m just a man!” One sniper screams as his soul purges from existence.
Unable to save those who had come to his aid, Stonerman flees to a small park outside of the city. A quiet refuge where he can take it slow and gather his thoughts. He follows a cobblestone sidewalk lined with bushes in bloom. Tasteful oak wood benches have never looked more comfortable. The trail leads deep into a tiny forest where sunlight gleams upon a hand carved bird feeder filled with hemp seeds. Homer spots several more exotic feeders and honey collectors that hang above mossy bark of tall black cherry trees. Blue dragonflies flitter about, a high quality water source must be nearby.
Curiously, Homer continues down the rocky path that winds into a flowery meadow. Just beyond a stone wishing well, a yellow bicycle leans against an American Sycamore Tree.
There's a ruckus over in the shrubbery. Knelt in the dirt is an eccentric man who hums while he trims. A clip of a thin stem here, a snip of a triple pointed fan leaf there. And now with a long stretch of measuring tape, the man records the height of the stalk as well as the length of matured green buds. Whew, there was never a need to worry. Johnny's prized stalk of marijuana is safe and in as good of condition as ever. He notices a shadow approach.
“Hey, mister.” Johnny calls from the bushes. “Looking a bit beat.”
“R-run.” Homer’s voice cracks. “We have to leave. Danger is on the way.”
“My plant-” Johnny spits out the words faster than he can think ‘em. “I just need a second to uproot and transport it.”
Although the sky is dark from storm clouds and black smoke, everytime Homer thinks back to this day, he swears sunlight was shining onto the most beautiful marijuana plant he's ever seen. Ripe nuggets coated in thick THC crystals, colors that pop so vibrantly they almost appear extraterrestrial, or so remembered Denteed 1R as well.
“For the fate of the world, I'm going to have to ask you for a front.”
“No worries. I always have bud to spare. Especially for a hero.” Johnny says, offering two plump nugs.
Stonerman retrieves a grinder from his utility belt. As he grinds, the earthy scent of rain mixes with the skunky herb. The grinder’s chamber fills with a fluffy pile of twinkling weed.
As he inhales, Homer can't help but immediately notice the unique flavor. Potency that makes his eyes water in appreciation. Then a transformation takes place right before Johnny’s eyes. Homer morphs from mortal to god as though his body has been carved from stone.
“Thank you.” Stonerman replies with a wide smile.
At the speed of sound, the stoned hero takes flight. Homer has never flown this fast before. A sensation he's never felt. His fingertips are red hot. Is it from the speed of flight or something else? His entire body heats up. His skin grows tender. Green and purple flames wrap around his limbs. The strength of a god courses through his veins.
The battlefield is worse off than before. The entire militia has been wiped out. The barracks have been lost. And Zaluza City is burning. Chongzilla stands above an empty plot of rubble, raging in victory.
Stonerman flies onto the scene with a joint in hand. “Suck on this.” He says, hitting the joint. The masked hero delivers an unrelenting fiery punch to Chongzilla's massive jaw. A monster that is unbreakable by design recoils in pain.
Stonerman devastates with right and left punches. Every blow chars the beast’s skin. Johnny's strain is a creeper which allows Stonerman’s high to continue to grow as the battle rages on. The flames on his arm burn more fiercely than before. He feels something building within.
Meanwhile, the spikes on Chongzilla’s back heat up to a dark neon green.
Two charged attacks clash into each other. The collision of the two adversaries' mightiest attacks creates a cataclysmic explosion that wipes the remains of Zaluza City off the face of the planet.
The blast leaves Chongzilla unconscious. It doesn't appear asleep, but rather drained of life. Soulless if you will. As if Stonerman knocked the astral form out of its body. Yet the creature breathes.
Operation Reptilian Recovery requires a squadron of a hundred Apache helicopters to carry Chongzilla away. Which is the wrong model of helicopter for this type of mission and they're using far too many. But the military wants to send a message.
As for Stonerman? Well, nobody could find him. He just up and vanished like a dollar store magician. Oh, what a mess. Zaluza city is no more. Chongzilla is now property of the U.S. government. And worst of all, Stonerman has gone missing!
Stonerman: Year One
The Tale Of Johnny Weedseed
Coming 4/20/25