The Chill Crew
Character Designs by

Delivery driver by day, pot smoking superhero by night. Homer's super powers originated from the weed of the gods. Bud grown on Mt. Olympus that transformed him into a demi-god. He can use these abilities while high on cannabis and becomes the world's chillest superhero, Stonerman!
With strength that increases the higher he gets, Stonerman requires years of combat training and soul searching to learn what it means to be a hero. Even with all the weed in the world and the power of the gods, ultimately Stonerman's strength lies within his friends.
Likes- Blunts, bongs, flying high, Taco Tuesday, saving kittens, interdimensional takeout, falling asleep at super-speed.
Dislikes- Hard drugs, liquor, villainous monologues,
resin, spiders, Fakebake, Chongzilla.

The embodiment of chill, Homer is the catalyst that brings the crew together. When he isn't fighting crime as Stonerman, he's usually off on an outdoors adventure, playing video games, or hanging out with the Chill Crew. Homer has a dark yet playful sense of humor that shines through the comic book series that he's writing. He is also a buff at useless trivia.
Likes- Pineapple on pizza, King Of The Hill, Heroclix, metalcore, blunts, biking, physical media, drive ins, breakdowns, smelling new and exotic scented candles.
Dislikes- Sausage, traffic jams, lack of special features on streaming services, buffering, when shuffle play is "on one," when angels deserve to die.
Apollo God Of The Sun

Years ago, Apollo was banished from Mt. Olympus due to his wild-card partying ways. Decades of debauchery would pass before he met a mortal named, “Homer." Feeling sorry him, Apollo decided to share the last of his Olympus grown stash, which gave Homer godlike abilities...
Since that day, Apollo reluctantly took on the role of the mortal's mentor. Sending Stonerman down the path to becoming the first god of cannabis. Apollo is by far the most fringe and lazy of the crew, so lazy in fact that it would take months before Homer would witness him use his powers for the first time.
Likes- Archery, sneaking insane items into the movie theater (Taco 12 packs, bottles of Liquor, George Forman Grill, ect.), water pipes, natural herbs/remedies, Office Space, chess, meditation, conspiracy theories, $10 vodka.
Dislikes- $10 vodka, the underworld, work, Caribbean Monk Seals (there's a reason they’re extinct).

Although only a freshman in High School, Roger has already been declared a certified genius by the University of Science and History. After being introduced to Homer and Apollo by Steven, Roger fit into the Chill Crew like a perfect puzzle piece. As the brains rather than the brawn, Roger creates stoner related gadgets and combat tools. As well as provide useful intel.
Likes- History, saltine crackers, bongs, philosophy, the R.O.A.C.H unit, Game of Thrones, Stratego, podcasting, Emperors New Groove, tinkering, smooth jazz, the Room.
Dislikes- Pineapple on pizza, awkward situations, Trypophobia (look it up), toilet humor, rape, sticking around for post credits scenes.

He may be the youngest in the group, but don't let that fool you, Steven definitely parties the hardest. This freshman smokes enough weed to match an entire village of hippies on “smoke break.” When he isn't blazing himself into a coma, you can find him performing stand up comedy, tickling ivories, and of course, helping Stonerman out of jams. Being Homer's best friend since kindergarten, he’s an obvious choice to join on his epic adventures.
Likes- Life ending dab hits, get rich quick schemes, free-styling, ghost hunting, weighted blankets, his moped, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.
Dislikes- Running out of weed, "hawks," reboots, genies, snakes, fronts, the “freshman for life” pact.
Bud Buddy

Whenever Steven dons the green ski mask, he takes on the persona, Bud Buddy. He may not have any super powers of his own, but Stonerman's faithful sidekick is equipped with a trusty bo staff and years of dedicated fighters training.
Bud Buddy hopes to prove to be a hero in his own right.
“Stonerman and Bud Buddy make the dynamic duo look like a bunch of bitches.” - Steven (An unbiased opinion.)
Likes- Justice, defeating villains that have superpowers, the bud buster (his signature maneuver), the smokeped (Steven's moped pimped out with gadgets created by Roger), magic trick combat, trolling villainous henchmen.
Dislikes- Enemies with guns, not getting any news headlines after he saves the day, “The Infamous Roach.”
Private Detective Bitch

He wears a slick jacket and gold watch. Private Detective John Johnson is a man of living legend within the stoner community. Appointed the name, "Private Detective Bitch," by the media, (actually more of a prank call by Steven,) Detective Johnson began as a hard working D.E.A. agent. However, over time his job became much more than a paycheck for him. After his first big bust, nothing could match the sick thrill he gets from catching stoners in the act of lighting up. The Private Detective mastered the art of busting stoners. Taking a record number off the streets. The Detective has become hell bent on defeating and unmasking Stonerman as the ultimate score. ​
Likes- Busting potheads in the act of “lighting up," torturing lego people (probably.)
Dislikes- Reefer addicts, pending legalization.
The Jonesin Munchin' Robot From Sector 9 Of The Dovetrian Galaxy

An alien from Sector 9 of the Dovetrian Galaxy. This cybernetic organism can transmit gamma rays that cause it's victims to experience uncontrollable munchies. Once subjected to the radiation, the prey will consume food until the point of death. Nobody knows why this extraterrestrial has come to earth or why it wants to give everyone the munchies. Will Stonerman be able to solve this mystery before the Chill Crew becomes victim to the deadliest munchies of their lives?
Likes- *Beep*
Dislikes- *Beep*
The Heroin Ninja

Not much is known about this masked warrior other than his use of an unique ninjutsu involving weaponized heroin. An ancient technique that leaves their opponent too belligerent to defend themselves. Roger's studies show that the ninja's heroin is synthesized from an ancient flower that was believed to be extinct. Making the heroin three times more potent than that found on the black market. Even without the advantage of an intoxicated opponent, this ninja is highly skilled in hand to hand combat. Armed with heroin dipped swords, shuriken, and hidden blades filled with a black tar double dose that will leave the victim with the most painful overdose of their life. Can Stonerman overcome the dangers of heroin? Only time will tell…..
Likes- Unknown….Heroin (Maybe?!)
Dislikes- Stonerman

Japanese Co-Leader of the ancient, 'League of Shadows.' A group of assassins blessed with the ability to transform into sentient shadows. The powers were granted to them by the god of the moon. However, these soldiers are no longer living, they are empty and soulless. Many choose this curse in a conquest for power. Yin and Yang are the only beings who have successfully retained their true inner selves after accepting the powers of the shadow. This has allowed them to expand their abilities in ways their soldiers could not. Yin is apprentice to Tsukuyomi (god of the moon.) His master taught him how to control an opponent's shadow and turn it against them.
Yin has expanded common abilities found in the League of Shadows. Such as the ability to teleport from one shadow to another, which normally requires the user to see the shadow but not for Yin. He can teleport through shadows that are out of view. The demi-god is armed with a deadly chain-sickle. The blades channel dark energy with every attack. These abilities are nothing compared to his relentless ambition to spread darkness throughout the universe. His passion has earned him favor with the moon god.
Likes- Darkness.
Dislikes- Unknown.

Yang is believed to be more powerful than her brother. This is because she is the only member of the League of Shadows to master the power of the light rather than the dark. No one understands how or why. Especially her brother.
She wields a Katana crafted of harsh light which can cut through literally any material in our universe. She is a follower of Amaterasu (Goddess of the Sun and Fertility). Yang earned her favor by demonstrating a philosophy of using the light for dark matters. She has proven it is possible to wield the power of light without being consumed by it. Her light energy is theorized by Roger to be more powerful than Apollo's sun-based attacks.
(“Is it weird that I find that sexy?”- Apollo)

When Yin and Yang morph into one, they become the monstrous creature known as, "Kagutsuchi." Coated in a sleet of black, Kagutsuchi towers over its prey. This dragon breathes pure, harsh, light that can burn through any substance known in this dimension. The most dangerous aspect about this beast is that it thinks rationally, not relying solely on basic animalistic instinct. It's tail is coated with poison that renders gods in a state of paralysis or death if left unchecked. This horror upon mankind has been granted the title, "god killer," and has only been sighted once in history. Will it appear again?
The Lean Mean Killing Machine

After years of ungodly drug abuse, Vernon Sizzurp's body has mutated to the point of requiring an extreme amount of lean to stay alive. He wears a metal suit powered by cough syrup far beyond prescription strength. The liquid is stored inside small vials on the arms of his suit. His weapon of choice is a giant ray gun that has the capacity to spray lean at the power of a fire hose.
Side Characters
Achmed Obama

The #1 Rated News Anchor in America. Beloved by both fans and peers alike. Growing up, Achmed aspired to become a professional wrestling commentator, that is, until, he discovered the thrill of delivering hard hitting news. As he often reports,
"I get the same pleasure reporting hard hitting news as I do waiting in anticipation for my weekly spine manipulation, otherwise known as Spine Sunday." Upon his hiring, Achmed was forced to legally change his last name to help boost ratings. He chose the most American last name possible. Achmed reliably delivers the news with contagious energy. A true believer in authorship and the only reporter qualified to cover Stonerman.
Likes- JR, Spine Sunday, Achmed-Children Puppy Petting Hour, JR, Wearing short shorts when nobody is looking, JR, Astral Ant, JR, AEW, JR, Who Killed Captain Alex?, JR, Weekend at Berny's, JR.
Dislikes- Stomach Pump Wednesdays, The Dolphin Federation, The Sequel Trilogy, Those Who Speak Ill of JR, “Reckless” Puppies, Reporting False News.
Artemis Goddess Of The Hunt

She wears furs and leathers crafted out of creatures she’s hunted with her bow and quiver. Artemis is extremely chill, known for protecting and cherishing nature. She has MANY pets. Including but definitely not limited to, rabbits, foxes, owls, snakes, as well as creatures of myth. Her passion for combat has given her the strength to stand toe to toe with seasoned gods. When visiting earth, she enjoys hanging with her brother. However, being the older sister, she is often frustrated by his lazy and irresponsible ways.
(She’s only older by one day. ... This is bullshit. - Apollo)
Likes- Animals, Instrumentals, Cheese Fries, Psychedelics, Phoenix, Archery, Stage Plays, Orion, Treasure Hunting, Camping, Snen the Snake.
Dislikes- Bigfoot, Kagutsuchi, Soda, Sport Hunters, Valentines Day.
The Hawk

When Steven runs dry of marijuana, desperation for a fix soon sets in. If this phenomenon occurs for too long he'll slip into another personality. Steven will don a handmade purple ski-mask and become the vigilante known as... The Hawk! An anti-hero with the ability to swoop in and “hawk” off of other peoples weed.
He’s a master pickpocket. Often robbing the corrupted rich to get himself high. When Steven is determined to get weed, he often exhibits abilities he doesn't show in any of his other personalities. Despite looking a lot like Steven and having a similar ski mask as Bud Buddy, literally nobody in the Stonerman universe ever connects the dots about the vigilante's true identity.
Likes- Weed, the Hawkped (a moped pimped out by Roger, looks strikingly similar to Steven's moped and Bud Buddy's smokeped.), Impenetrable bases.
Dislikes- Being Dry.

Weeniepalooza is a four foot long, wiener-dog, detective for hire. This pup gives double crossing a new name. A canine unit promoted to an undercover snitch for the police, Weeniepalooza also works a side job as an informant for the cartel as well as major super villains. Weeniepalooza's only motivation to work both sides is to create what he calls, “beautiful chaos."
Likes- The Police, The Mob, The Feds, Super Villains, Stonerman & Bud Buddy.
Dislikes- The Police, The Mob, The Feds, Super Villains, Stonerman & Bud Buddy.

Piece O' Shit Chicken
"The biggest goddamn chicken you've ever seen in your life, boy."
This slightly larger than average chicken was originally a curse laid upon the Chill Crew by a Vietnamese spiritual healer. Over time, this anomaly to mankind finds it's place as the crew's lovable pet rather than a curse. Chicken related shenanigans ensue.
Likes- Cheetohs, Scaring the Chill Crew.
Dislikes- Baths, Weeniepalooza.